
TF SLASH_Conviction

Deviation Actions

eabevella's avatar

Literature Text

Title: Conviction
Rating: R
Warning: Slash, post AHM#12
Pairing: IDW Megatron/Thundercracker
Disclaimer: I do not own any of them; I only own their toys

In the dim light of the regeneration room, Megatron stood in front of a C.R. chamber, staring into the glowing transparent buffer fluid, in which rested an unconscious Thundercracker. After the Decpticon leader came back online, he immediately ordered that his second in command report to him, so he already knew what had happened after he was knocked into stasis lock by the Autobot leader on Earth.
The right optic of the azure seeker was almost healed, but thin cracks were still visible on the surface. It would take another cycle for it to fully recover. If Skywarp hadn't withdrawn his fire power at the very last moment, Thundercracker would have been killed by that shot.
Megatron frowned. He thought he had planned for everything, but he hadn't expected Thundercracker to take such rebellious action. Thundercracker had always been the object of the least of his concern. Unlike his other two wing brothers, Thundercracker was neither ambitious nor outrageous. But apparently, things had changed.

Thundercracker felt himself slowly come back online. He can sense fluid dripping down his cockpit, legs, and wings. The familiar smell of volatile compounds told him that he had been in the C.R. chamber, but now he was released from the chamber and was held on a vertical support platform.
Looked like his brother didn't kill him, after all, Thundercracker thought bitterly while his restraints were loosened. The room was quite dark, but he still turned on his optics. Blunt pain instead of visual images transmitted from his right optic sensor. Only the left one was responding normally. This meant that his C.R. cycle was not completed. However, Thundercracker didn't have time to wonder why, because he already saw the silver mech who was standing in front of him.

“You are awake.” The silver mech spoke with a calm tone.
“Meg… Megatron.” Thundercracker’s spark skipped an impulse at the deep, coarse voice.
“Do you have anything want to say?” Megatron demanded as he moved closer to the Seeker.
Looking into his leader’s crimson optics, Thundercracker suddenly felt his spark flood with emotion. He admired Megatron since the fateful day they met in the arena on Cybertron. Since then, Thundercracker fought for Megatron with his entire spark. That silver mech was the very core of the cause Thundercracker believed in for millions of stellar cycles. They were warriors, they fought with honor, and they fought to gain their freedom. But ever since they had arrived on that pathetic organic planet, things were different, and Megatron was different. They indulged themselves in slaughter, not the honor of battle. They even created those twisted, distorted, miserable spawn of creatures on Cybertron. They became more and more sickly, as if rusted by the organic planet’s humid climate. And yet, Megatron allowed these things to happen. Megatron ordered that these things happen.
Thundercracker just couldn't take it anymore.

“What you did was wrong!” Thundercracker almost yelled at Megatron. He needed to tell this to Megatron, even if it would be the death of him.

The Decepticon leader listened in silence as soldier accused him o betraying their cause. This was the first time he had ever seen Tundercracker so outrages. Usually, the blue seeker was the calm one among the Decepticon troops and was very serious, if not quiet, in front of his leader. Sometimes Megatron wondered if it was because Thundercracker feared him, even though he was quite sure that it was because Thundercracker respected him. This fact pleased Megatron. Normally, the Decepticon leader didn’t care whether his subordinates obeyed him out of fear or something else, he just want them to be obedient. Most of them were expendable anyway.
But Thundercracker was different. He was a warrior -- not the most powerful one, but the one who fought with purpose, a cause many others had forgotten during the seemingly endless war. And Megatron respected Thundercracker for that. In fact, Megatron liked Thundercracker for that… Perhaps a little more then he should.

“That’s enough,” Megatron finally interrupted the azure seeker. Thundercracker lowered his head obediently, good optic full of hurt pride. “I do see your point.”
The words from the Decepticon leader made Thundercracker raise his head with a surprised and confused expression. Without any warning, Megatron reached out his left hand and took hold of Thundercracker's chin. The action obviously shocked the Seeker. It was very rare that the Decepticon leader made physical contact with his subordinates. Thundercracker remembered the last time Megatron did so was when he grabbed Starscream and nearly blasted the other Seeker in half. For a brief moment, Thundercracker thought Megatron was about to do the same to him. However, the hand on his chin was strong, firm, possessive but yet… gentle.

“Nevertheless, you don't see the whole picture.” Megatron stroked Thundercracker’s chin with his thumb. “The actions we took on that organic planet were necessary.” He removed the hand on Thundercracker’s chin and pressed it on the side of the Seeker’s black helmet. His other hand ettled on a blue shoulder and pulled Thundercracker closer.

“In order to defeat the Autobots, I wanted my army become more then what they were. That’s why I turned them into ruthless soldiers who focus on war only. That’s why I created those things back on Cybertron. Sometimes, even I have to make compromise. But it won’t last long. You think I have forgotten our cause , but you are wrong. When our victory - our peace - finally comes, I will return the Decepticons to the way I wanted them to be in the beginning.” Megatron paused for a moment, then said, in an unusually soft tone, “Am I understood now?”

“Yes, Megatron.” Thundercracker couldnt hide the quiver in his voice. He never thought Megatron would treat him in such a way, speak to him in such tone. It was as if Megatron wanted to reassure him. He was so close to Megatron now that their armour brushed, producing a small scratching noise.
“I did not know before… I thought you had changed…” the azure seeker murmured. He could even sense the electrical field beneath Megatron’s chest plate now.
“I had not, and will never change,” Megatron whispered beside the Seeker's audio receptor.

Then, he kissed Thundercracker.

The kiss hit the blue Seeker hard, like an ion-storm on Cybertron. Megatron felt Thundercracker’s whole body tense up at the sudden kiss. But the Seeker didn’t show any sign of refusal. Instead, Megatron felt the lips under his own respond in an uncertain manner. Thundercracker closed his good optic when Megatron’s hands encouragingly slipped down to his waist and pressed their bodies together, and a small moan escaped the Seeker’s occupied lips. Slowly, Thundercracker lifted his hands to Megatron’s shoulders and simply enjoyed the moment.

Holding Thundercracker in his arms, Megatron fondled the seeker’s back teasingly. Surprises fell upon him during the last few cycles, but he would soon have everything under his control again. But for now, having his loyal soldier, his favorite blue Seeker, back was a good start, the Decepticon leader thought with satisfaction.

Thanks :iconpeleliu: for being my beta!!

After reading AHM#12, I desperately needed some element of solace. TC is my favorite seeker, and he deserve some love!!

I do think IDW Megatron will like/respect someone like TC (even speak in a non-slash way). TC is reasonable, he is honorable as a worrior, and he is someone Megatron will keep after the "peace" under Megatron's rule comes. At least this is what I see in the not so happy AHM universe.

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